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Welcome to SpotMyFM!

A Spotify Library Manager

Manage your Spotify Library

Log In with your Spotify Account to Explore, Play and cards:filtra your favorite songs!

Create or Replace your playlists with your personalized track selection!

Tag Your Albums! Use custom tags to increase your album organization.

LastFM Community

SpotMyFM mixes your spotify library with the awesome LastFM Community.

Filter by Community Tags or get individual details for each track!

DeepLearning Backend

SpotMyFM uses deep learning techniques to analyze your favorite tracks audio signal.

Check your Stats! With Ludwig Backend you can explore track features such as Track Mood or Subgenre.

Extend your library with similar tracks! SpotMyFM provides content based recommendations to extend your library or playlists.

Explore Your Library!

Click anywhere in order to enable hover preview!

Analyze Your Tracks!

Upload an .mp3 / .wav file

Drag 'n' drop one audio file here, or click to select files

Use Advanced Filters!

Create Specific Playlists

🎸Filter by Artist Genres:

Must include ALL of the items?

📆 Select the release date interval

And Many More!

Create or replace your own playlists!

Create Random Playlists with RealShuffle!

Play Your Music

Search Playlists, Artists and Albums